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Violin Making
Lego Mini Bench

Lego Mini Bench

This little bench-raiser is  great for your back - and good for your eyes! I recently heard from my Colleague Noémie Viaud  about an adjustable height bench that she loves.  I wanted one but before going to the expense and trouble of ordering one  (her's  a...

Gilding the Lilly

Gilding the Lilly

The young Stradivari made several richly decorated fiddles. As his taste matured he set aside childish things, presumably the subtle variations between violins being  fascinating and fulfilling enough to hold his attention, as it does ours.  Yet he did still allow...

Occam’s Jig, Take Two

Occam’s Jig, Take Two

Incredibly Occam's scroll holding jig just got simpler, now it's no more than a bench hook with a hole in it! The new version is an astonishing 85% smaller and  requires only one clamp to operate. The cello jig is made of 12mm ply, use 5mm ply for the violin version....